The Constitution of the Holy Nachonnian Empire


Nacho Senatum et Populum

“The Senate and People of Nachonnia”

WE the Citizens of the Holy Nachonnian Empire establish this constitution over our people, to ensure a stable and united empire and the basic rights for ourselves and our successors.

-Article I-

“The Nacho Senate”

THE rights, privileges, and security of the Nacho Citizens will be entrusted in the Imperial Senate of the Holy Nachonnian Empire. All Senators will have the rank of “Owner” in the Nacho Headquarters. Senators are handpicked by the Nachonnian Emperor and Chancellor. The Senate has the following powers:

  • Leading the Nacho Army into battle if the Chancellor or Emperor is not able to
  • Launching a Military Coup D’etat against the Nachonnian Emperor if corrupt (Coups must be approved by both the House of the Retirees and the Senate. If one party does not agree, a vote goes to the Nachonnian People.)
  • Electing a Chancellor of the Holy Nachonnian Empire (The Chancellor must have 2/3 of the Senate supporting them.)

[More Powers may be bestowed on the Senate if Constitution is amended]

-Article II-

“The War Cabinet”

THE War Cabinet of the Holy Nachonnian Empire consists of 12 Members. These 12 individuals, except for the Emperor, will be chosen by the Nacho Chancellor at the beginning of each of his terms. Each individual will be charge of a certain area of the Nacho Army, and each will have a unique title. The titles of the members of the Nachonnian War Cabinet and their responsibilities are as follows:

  • THE NACHO ASSISTANT-TO-THE-CHANCELLOR is the Chancellor’s Right Hand man. Any treaties or laws passed must be signed by the Assistant Chancellor. He is the most senior member of the ownership. He participates in high level negotiations and his permission is needed to pass any decisions made by the cabinet. He is in charge of overseeing the work of the other Cabinet members. He is appointed by the Chancellor.
  • THE NACHO SECRETARY OF STATE is in charge of handling Foreign Relations and will serve as an ambassador to other armies. He advises the President on matters of foreign policy. He Participates in high-level negotiations (treaties, land transfers, etc.) He is able to convict any individual of treason, or revoke their conviction.
  • THE NACHO SECRETARY OF DEFENSE is in charge of scheduling Invasions and Defenses of the Empire. He is also in charge of developing tactics to win wars and his permission is needed to declare war against an army and sign a treaty. He is in charge of supervising the Commandants of different divisions within the army (European, United States, Asian/Australian, and the SS.)
  • THE NACHO SECRETARY OF RECRUITMENT is in charge of the expansion of the Nacho Army. He is in charge of seeking out new Recruitment methods and updating Recruiting Tactics. He makes sure the Nacho Army effectively brings in and enlists more recruits and updates the ranks daily. He works closely with the Secretary of Troop Affairs.
  • THE NACHO SECRETARY OF TROOP AFFAIRS is in charge of making sure the relationship between the Cabinet, Senate, and the Citizens of the Holy Nachonnian Empire is satisfactory. He works closely with the troops to expose what can be done to make the army a better troop-friendly environment. He also takes on the concerns of everyone in the army and informs the Cabinet. He also trains Generals and Soldiers of the Nacho Army on how to do their job suitably during weekly training.
  • THE NACHO SECRETARY OF THE PRESS is in charge of updating the official Nacho Website on a regular basis. He is also in charge of actively posting on the Website (posts should mainly be related to Club Penguin and Army News). He makes sure the troops are informed of what is happening in the Nacho Army and not feeling alienated.
  • THE COMMANDANT OF THE NACHO SS DIVISION is the leader of the Nacho SS Division. His job is to manage, maintain, and lead the Nachos SS division into battle.
  • THE COMMANDANT OF THE NACHO US DIVISION is the leader of the Nacho US Division. His job is to manage, maintain and lead the Nacho US Division into battle.
  • THE COMMANDANT OF THE NACHO EUROPEAN DIVISION is the leader of the Nacho European Division. His job is to manage, maintain and lead the Nacho European Division into battle.
  • THE COMMANDANT OF THE NACHO AUSIA DIVISION is the leader of the Nacho AUSIA Division. His job is to manage, maintain and lead the Nacho AUSIA Division into battle.

[More Cabinet Positions, and their Responsibilities, may be added at a later date.]

-Article III-

“The Holy Nachonnian Emperor”

THE Emperor of the Holy Nachonnian Empire is the Holy Nachonnian Empire’s Supreme Dictator. His powers are as follows:

  • He is in charge of overseeing the army along with his fellow Commander-in-Chief(s).
  • He is able to override decisions made by the War Cabinet and Military decisions in times of crisis and war.
  • He is the first among equals and is able to remove any Commander at any time.
  • He may remove the Chancellor from power at any time and appoint an acting Chancellor.
  • Any treaties or laws passed must be signed by the Emperor.

If the Nacho Emperor does anything that either the Senate, House of the Retirees, or the Nachonnian People deem inappropriate, unfit, or tyrannical, then they have the right to remove the emperor from power and appoint a new one.

[More of the Emperor’s Responsibilities may be added at a later date.]

-Article IV-

“The Holy Nachonnian Chancellor”

THE Nacho Chancellor holds the same power and responsibilities as the Emperor, but he is elected by the Nachonnian Imperial Senate. He is allowed to serve unlimited 1-month terms. His powers are as follows:

  • He is in charge of overseeing the army along with his fellow Commander-in-Chief(s).
  • He appoints all of the members of the War Cabinet.
  • He is able to override decisions made by the War Cabinet and Military decisions in times of crisis and war.
  • Any treaties or laws passed must be signed by the Chancellor.

The Nacho Emperor may remove the Chancellor at any time, but he must appoint an Acting Chancellor who will serve until the Imperial Senate elects a new one.

[More of the Chancellor’s Responsibilities may be added at a later date.]

-Article V-

“The House of Retirees”

THE Nacho House of Retirees consists of Former Nacho Emperors and other Significant Entities. The Speaker of the House of the Retirees will serve a lifetime term, or until he appoints a new one. The Speaker of the House of Retirees may launch a Coup D’etat against the Nacho Emperor at any time that he deems fit.




The Wedding of Stone523 and Fluffy9404

Greetings, everyone from the army community.

       On the 27th of December at precisely 4:00 PM EST after the Christmas Chaos Finals, my wedding with the lovely Stone523 shall commence.

>>Server: Fjord<<

>>Room: Fluffy 9404’s Igloo<<


Armies invited:

  • The Nachos
  • Army of Club Penguin
  • Army of the Republic
  • Rebel Penguin Federation
  • Dark Warriors
  • Water Vikings

       If your army is not on the list above, please leave a comment or contact me on chat stating your army name and you will be added A.S.A.P.

       Since this is one of the first homosexual marriages in the history of this community, there will always be someone that will try to prevent it. Therefore, we will need bodyguards. Leave a comment or contact me on chat if you wish to be a bodyguard. Thank you.

Cool Text Fluffy 152058291430242

Prince of Nachonnia

The Retirement of Fluffy9404


For those who don’t know me, my name’s Fluffy 9404. I wasn’t planning on making this post anytime soon, but as you all know, Club Penguin is shutting down. I decided my retirement post would be best used as a way to tell my story.

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Anti Flen Petition

Nacho Army of Club Penguin

Today Flen defaced CPA Central and tried to act like he was some crusader using his “hacking” skills to bring justice to armies. In reality, Flen’s some poor Indian kid who lives in a little apartment and has to beg off UMA for money. He’s just a laughing stock that claims he’s some OG IW Veteran when no one likes him and ever will. Nachos are not recognising Flen as a human being because he’s too much of a degenerate to deserve that honour. He will be banished from our chat and we hope other armies sign this petition.

~Verum, President of Nachonnia

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Power and Fear in Aunt Arctic’s Club Penguin


Nacho Army of Club Penguin

Aunt Arctic’s power and influence makes Rupert Murdoch look tame. Not only is the agony aunt Club Penguin’s sole journalist, she is the director of its only spy organisation. The prospect of a penguin having complete control over the entirety of the intelligence agencies and the media is perhaps the scariest prospect in existence. This is a complete disaster for civil liberties upon the island. It is up to each and every member of Club Penguin to fight for their freedom. There is no doubt of Aunt Arctic’s rule of tyranny, the filters are proof enough that freedom of speech is unwelcome upon the island. Armies are the last bastion of penguin’s freedom of expression.

A pressing issue concerning Aunt Arctic is her name itself. Asides from it implying that she is each and every penguins Aunt -raising questions over the problem of inbreeding on the island- the word ‘Arctic’ shouldn’t even be…

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We do not recognize the Doritos of Club Penguin as a valid Club Penguin Army until further notice.


Good evening, citizens of the D.R.A.C.P.

Throughout the duration of the last year, and many could argue even longer; armies have been at war with Doritos of Club Penguin. However, not a typical war in which armies are adjusted to, but a war comprised of criticizing mixed with rage. However, during the past few months an overwhelming amount of evidence has been brought up against DCP and their stance on how credible they truly are when it comes to following army rules. With such evidence provided, it is safe for armies to state that the Doritos of Club Penguin have violated CPA rules by multi-logging incessantly in recent times. To corroborate our evidence, a multitude of articles containing evidence are listed below.

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A Nacho Christmas Story


Nacho Army of Club Penguin

The Nacho version of the Nativity narrative from the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

On a cold winter night, In the middle of the Fjordian desert, a young carpenter named Stone523 and a virgin who he was betrothed to were traveling to Blizzardethlehem. The young virgin, Fluffy was revealed to be the mother of the Son of Kevin the God 9 months earlier. As they were traveling to Blizzardethelehem, Fluffy went into labor. Stone took the young virgin Fluffy to an inn, but the inn was full of a bunch of DCP faggots. There was no room for the son of Kevin the God. There was only room in a manger. The innkeeper led the young couple to the Manger, and the baby was born. The young virgin Fluffy named the baby “Centaur17”.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night…

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